Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Walk for a Cure: Support JDRF

This year my wife will be walking to help find a cure for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund. Juvenile diabetes is also known as Type 1 diabetes, which my wife suffers from. My wife has dealt with this disease since she was a teenager. While she fights it admirable on a daily basis it is a slowly debilitating disease.

Type 1 diabetics are insulin dependant which means they needs to administer insulin via injection or for through an insulin pump to stay alive. For many years my wife relied on injecting herself multiple times a day until a few years back she was able to get an insulin pump. Though the diabetes does not hamper her life drastically it at times limits what she can and when she can do some things. The disease can also be very dangerous when sugar levels within the body become to low or high which can lead to death. I have witnessed at many occasions my wife's sugar levels drop drastically in a moments notice, causing her to faint, become unresponsive and unconscious.

The disease is most troublesome for her, but it also scares me on a daily basis. I constantly worry if I don't hear from her in a timely manner after work or when out with friends in fear that something has happened to her via her diabetic condition. Low sugars have led to car accidents and other major harmful incidents. We also worry about the disease being passed down to our children. We know how difficult it is for my wife to monitor and control this disease, it is unfathomable to imagine a child having to deal with this on a daily basis.

So in honor of my wife and the millions of others suffering from this disease I ask of you to donate to my wife's cause to help her and many others find a cure. If you choose not to donate please offer your support and best of luck in raising the goal she has set. We thank all of you for your support. Click Here to Donate

1 comment:

  1. My husband is a diabetic on kidney dialysis and I know what a worthy cause this is. We donate regularly to the American Diabetic Association. I wish you good health and luck with your project.

